Souburgh Care Centre, Waddinxveen

Opdrachtgever Eentien Architecten Architect Eentien Architecten
render Souburgh nieuwbouw

Bureau Bouwkunde’s contribution:

  • technical specifications (STABU)

Souburgh Care Centre is a new construction project of approximately 5,800 m² GFA. The care centre provides accommodation for elderly individuals within the dementia, somatic, and crisis care departments. Additionally, the ground floor will feature a restaurant, various amenities, and a day treatment centre that emphasize activity and social interaction for both residents and residents.

On behalf of Eentien Architecten, Bureau Bouwkunde has prepared the technical specifications (STABU specification) for this project, which includes the General Conditions and Architectural Work Description. These documents establish the quality, guarantees, and contractual provisions for the project.

See also