Fort Sabina, Moerdijk

Opdrachtgever Township Moerdijk Architect Studio Marco Vermeulen
bron impressie: Studio MArco Vermeulen

source impression: Studio Marco Vermeulen

Contribution Bureau Bouwkunde Nederland

  • Architectural advice in the design phase
  • construction cost estimates

The design by Studio Marco Vermeulen includes a conceptual plan for the entire fort and its surroundings with some spatial interventions on the existing Fort Sabina in Moerdijk. The spatial interventions contribute to the accessibility of the fort and also shorten the perception of the fort and its immediate surroundings.

Bureau Bouwkunde Nederland has supported Studio Marco Vermeulen during the VO phase through architectural advice and construction cost management. Subsequently and depending on the follow-up phases, Bureau Bouwkunde Nederland will provide the architectural plan elaboration in collaboration with Studio Marco Vermeulen.

bouwkundig advies

source impression: Studio Marco Vermeulen

See also